Articles Published on 2025-01-18
The article “Berliner Ensemble nimmt jetzt Übernachtungsgäste auf – Angebot auf Ebay”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
502 - Culture: Positive: 57.69 303 - Governmental and Administrative Efficiency: 9.93 000 - Undefined: 5.02
You can read the article here:
The article “DFL-Urteil zu Hochrisiko-Fußball: Bundesverfassungsgericht macht Veranstalter zum Verursacher”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
503 - Equality: Positive: 29.34 606 - Civic Mindedness: Positive: 21.05 000 - Undefined: 9.96
You can read the article here:
The article “Ein Straßenbahnfahrer der BVG erzählt, warum er streiken wird”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
701 - Labour Groups: Positive: 98.56 504 - Welfare State Expansion: 0.10 000 - Undefined: 0.07
You can read the article here:
The article “Entdecken Sie Kultur neu mit Abundo: Der perfekte Start ins Jahr 2025”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
502 - Culture: Positive: 77.78 000 - Undefined: 9.21 606 - Civic Mindedness: Positive: 2.10
You can read the article here:
The article “Ereignisse im Nahost-Konflikt aus KW 3 im Rückblick”, published by the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), has these predicted sentiments:
106 - Peace: 19.67 101 - Foreign Special Relationships: Positive: 15.33 105 - Military: Negative: 13.68
You can read the article here:,UZ5UvMp
The article “Ereignisse im Russland-Ukraine-Krieg aus KW 3 im Rückblick”, published by the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), has these predicted sentiments:
105 - Military: Negative: 33.32 104 - Military: Positive: 30.87 106 - Peace: 8.87
You can read the article here:,UZ5PZRI
The article “Habecks Lernprobleme, Lindners Moppel-Ich, Weidels Liebesgrüße: Wahlkampf verkommt zur Castingshow”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
304 - Political Corruption: 59.53 202 - Democracy: 18.66 000 - Undefined: 3.78
You can read the article here:
The article “Komische Oper: Berlin beauftragt dubiose Abrissfirma bei Sanierung”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
304 - Political Corruption: 47.57 403 - Market Regulation: 32.44 605 - Law and Order: Positive: 3.22
You can read the article here:
The article “Neu entdeckte Riesenassel nach Darth Vader benannt”, published by the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), has these predicted sentiments:
501 - Environmental Protection: Positive: 98.05 000 - Undefined: 0.39 416 - Anti-Growth Economy: Positive: 0.19
You can read the article here:,UZsk4Bx
The article “Oliviero Toscani: Wie der italienische Benetton-Fotograf deutsche Gerichte in eine moralische Zwickmühle trieb”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
201 - Freedom and Human Rights: 54.42 000 - Undefined: 27.67 403 - Market Regulation: 3.42
You can read the article here:
The article “Prozessauftakt nach Silvester-Attacke in Berliner Rettungsstelle: „Die wollten uns plattmachen“”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
605 - Law and Order: Positive: 71.36 000 - Undefined: 11.97 602 - National Way of Life: Negative: 9.40
You can read the article here:
The article “Silvester-Krawalle in Berlin: Der Fall Ibrahim M. zeigt das Versagen der Justiz”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
605 - Law and Order: Positive: 69.65 602 - National Way of Life: Negative: 14.89 202 - Democracy: 8.38
You can read the article here:
The article “Verband schießt gegen Weidels Abrisspläne: Windräder „zu 18 Prozent subventionsfrei“ “, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
501 - Environmental Protection: Positive: 94.75 416 - Anti-Growth Economy: Positive: 1.82 000 - Undefined: 1.07
You can read the article here:
The article “Wasserstoffzüge nach Berlin: Heidekrautbahn kämpft weiter mit Problemen”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
411 - Technology and Infrastructure: 92.47 303 - Governmental and Administrative Efficiency: 1.36 416 - Anti-Growth Economy: Positive: 1.28
You can read the article here:
The article “Wellness oder Wahnsinn? Auf der U8 in Berlin gibt’s jetzt Ersatzverkehr mit Bussen”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
000 - Undefined: 40.63 605 - Law and Order: Positive: 29.84 606 - Civic Mindedness: Positive: 8.17
You can read the article here:
The article “„Krisenzeit ist Gründerzeit“: Wie ein Berliner Start-up die Wirtschaftskrise als Chance nutzt”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
411 - Technology and Infrastructure: 57.87 000 - Undefined: 24.22 410 - Economic Growth: Positive: 1.42
You can read the article here:
The article “„Skurril“: Dank Ampel-Reform könnten ganze Wahlkreise aus dem Bundestag verschwinden”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
303 - Governmental and Administrative Efficiency: 49.16 304 - Political Corruption: 9.64 301 - Federalism: 6.08
You can read the article here:
The article “„Underconsumption Core“ und „No buy year“ – wenn Luxusprobleme zu TikTok-Trends werden”, published by the Berliner Zeitung, has these predicted sentiments:
606 - Civic Mindedness: Positive: 28.00 000 - Undefined: 13.51 503 - Equality: Positive: 10.79
You can read the article here: